A Developer’s Intro to Huddle01 SDK and Ideas to Build

Titilola Shittu
16 min readMay 30, 2024


The giants of video conferencing have held us hostage for far too long. Their sky-high server costs translate to expensive subscriptions, and whispers of data privacy violations linger in the air.

But what if there was a better way? A way to achieve seamless real-time communication that’s not only secure but also empowers users and slashes costs?

This, my developer friends, is the promise of decentralized real-time communication (dRTC). At the forefront of this revolution is Huddle01, offering a powerful SDK that puts the power back in your hands.

In this article, I’ll dive deep into the Huddle01 SDK, explore its functionalities, and ignite your creativity with a spark of exciting ideas to build the future of communication. Let’s get to it!

Before I move on, here’s what to expect in this article;

· What is Huddle01?
· The DePIN and dRTC Technology
· Huddle01 Core Functionalities
· A Deep Dive into Huddle01 SDK
· Why Choose Huddle01 SDK?
· Building with Huddle01 SDK: Tool & Product Ideas
Live Streaming Marketplace with Microtransactions
Educational Tool with Interactive Live Lectures
Gamified Language Learning App with Video Chat Integration
Dating App with Live Video Chat using Huddle01 SDK
Telehealth Platform with Secure Video Consultations
· Key Takeaway
· Resources

What is Huddle01?

Huddle01 is shaking things up in real-time communication. Its decentralized physical interaction network (DePIN) uses unused bandwidth from around the globe to connect people for audio and video calls. This people-powered approach aims to make these connections smoother, more affordable, and accessible to everyone, everywhere.

It isn’t just about making calls; it’s about empowering developers to build the next generation of communication apps! Its SDK (Software Development Kit) acts as a powerful toolkit, providing everything you need to create feature-rich live audio and video applications.

Think crystal-clear calls, screen sharing, chat functionalities, and more — all at your fingertips to integrate into your innovative apps.

The DePIN and dRTC Technology

DePIN is the backbone of Huddle01’s technology. It acts as a decentralized network that leverages unused bandwidth from various locations around the globe. Think of it as a peer-to-peer network for data transmission but on a much larger scale.

By eliminating the middleman (centralized cloud servers), DePIN can significantly reduce costs compared to traditional video conferencing solutions. Its distributed nature allows it to handle large volumes of data traffic efficiently. A decentralized approach offers advantages in terms of data security and privacy compared to centralized solutions.

On the other hand, Decentralized Real-time Communication (dRTC) enables real-time audio/video communication directly between devices, leveraging the DePIN network for data transmission. Huddle01’s SDK uses dRTC functionalities to establish secure, peer-to-peer connections between users during video calls or other real-time communication sessions.

Huddle01 takes a product-first approach to build a 2-sided marketplace of bandwidth supply and demand.

  1. Supply—node operators

Individuals or organizations contribute their unused internet bandwidth to the DePIN network. By sharing their unused bandwidth, they earn rewards in the form of $HUDL tokens.

2. Demand — application developers

Developers integrate Huddle01’s SDK into their real-time communication applications (video conferencing, live streaming, etc.). These applications use the DePIN network to facilitate audio/video communication between users, consuming bandwidth provided by node operators.

Based on this, node operators earn rewards for sharing unused bandwidth, while developers benefit from a more cost-effective solution compared to traditional cloud-based communication platforms.

Huddle01 Core Functionalities

1. Real-time audio/video

The Huddle01 SDK equips you to build applications with seamless real-time audio and video capabilities. It leverages its DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) to optimize audio and video transmission.

By utilizing unused bandwidth from various locations, the SDK aims to deliver clear and reliable calls even under fluctuating network conditions. It offers configuration options for video quality and audio settings to cater to different bandwidth limitations and user preferences.

The Huddle01 SDK provides methods for joining and leaving meeting rooms. This allows developers to integrate functionalities like unique room codes or links, a virtual lobby, and smooth user entry and exit experiences.

2. Screen sharing

Developers can integrate screen-sharing functionality into their applications, enabling collaboration and presentations. The specific method for integrating screen sharing might vary slightly depending on the chosen framework.

The Huddle01 SDK provides functionalities specifically designed for initiating and managing screen-sharing sessions. Developers will need to design a user interface within their application to allow users to initiate screen sharing (e.g., a “Share Screen” button).

3. In-meeting features

The Huddle01 SDK goes beyond basic audio/video calls, allowing developers to integrate functionalities that enhance user interaction and meeting management within their applications.

For example, you can integrate text chat functionality within the meeting interface. It allows participants to exchange messages alongside the audio/video call, facilitating side discussions, brainstorming, or sharing quick notes without interrupting the flow of the conversation.

It also provides functionalities for recording audio, video, or both aspects of the meeting. This can be valuable for future reference, creating transcripts, or sharing the recording with absent participants.

You can enable user management by assigning roles (host, co-host, participant) and managing permissions within the meeting. This allows hosts to control aspects like muting/unmuting participants, screen sharing permissions, or recording initiation.

A Deep Dive into Huddle01 SDK

Huddle01 SDK is a toolkit designed for developers to integrate high-quality audio, video, and other real-time communication features into their web and mobile applications. It leverages Huddle01’s underlying technology stack, which offers some unique advantages compared to traditional video conferencing solutions.

Huddle01 SDK Architecture
Huddle01 SDK Architecture

Simply put, it acts as the bridge between your application and the DePIN network. Developers can integrate the SDK into their applications to enable features like video calls, screen sharing, and text chat.

Here’s a quick walkthrough to get you started with Huddle01 SDK;


  • A Huddle01 developer account.
  • Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your development machine.


The installation process involves including the Huddle01 SDK package specific to your chosen framework and initializing it with your API key.

You can also get started with JavaScript, React Native, and Flutter. There’s a walkthrough for each framework to generate access tokens, join and leave rooms, receive audio and video streams, and many other features.

Here’s a breakdown using the popular framework, React.

npm i @huddle01/react@latest


After installing the package, initialize your project by creating an instance of HuddleClient and pass it in HuddleProvider. Make sure that you wrap HuddleProvider in your root

Head over to the Huddle01 developer portal and create a developer account.

Once your account is set up, you’ll have access to a dedicated dashboard or settings section. Locate the option to generate an API key. This key acts as your unique identifier for authentication purposes.

During initialization, you’ll need to provide your API key as a parameter. Refer to the specific framework’s code snippet examples (e.g., React). You’ll see a placeholder, NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_IDthat needs to be replaced with the actual API key you obtained from the developer portal.

import { HuddleClient, HuddleProvider } from "@huddle01/react";
import React from "react";

export default function RootLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode;
}) {

const huddleClient = new HuddleClient({
projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID!,

return (
<html lang="en">
<HuddleProvider client={huddleClient}>

The huddleClient object acts as the main entry point for interacting with the SDK functionalities.

Create a room

In Huddle01, a room represents the virtual space where real-time communication takes place. It’s essentially the container that brings users together for activities like video calls, screen sharing, or text chat.

There are two main ways to integrate room creation into your application depending on your router setup:

  • Pages Router: Create a dedicated API route on your server to handle the “Create Room” API call.
  • App Router: Easily create a server-side component to handle the “Create Room” API call directly within your application.

Here’s the app router process;

"use server";

export const createRoom = async () => {
const response = await fetch("https://api.huddle01.com/api/v1/create-room", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
title: "Huddle01 Room",
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"x-api-key": process.env.API_KEY!,
cache: "no-cache",

const data = await response.json();
const roomId = data.data.roomId;
return roomId;

Room access token

After creating a room and obtaining its roomId, you’ll also need to generate an accessToken. This token acts like a key, allowing users to join the room.

import { AccessToken, Role } from "@huddle01/server-sdk/auth";

export const dynamic = "force-dynamic";

export async function GET(request: Request) {
const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url);

const roomId = searchParams.get("roomId");

if (!roomId) {
return new Response("Missing roomId", { status: 400 });

const accessToken = new AccessToken({
apiKey: process.env.API_KEY!,
roomId: roomId as string,
role: Role.HOST,
permissions: {
admin: true,
canConsume: true,
canProduce: true,
canProduceSources: {
cam: true,
mic: true,
screen: true,
canRecvData: true,
canSendData: true,
canUpdateMetadata: true,

const token = await accessToken.toJwt();

return new Response(token, { status: 200 });

For more advanced functionalities like audio/video stream management, screen sharing, and data channels, refer to the comprehensive code examples provided in the Huddle01 SDK documentation.

How to power your dApp using Huddle01 SDK

To get a simplified understanding of Huddle01 SDK, check out these important tips and tricks to take note of while working and adding live audio/video to your app.

Why Choose Huddle01 SDK?

  1. Cost-effectiveness

Ditch the hefty price tags of traditional cloud-based solutions! Huddle01’s DePIN architecture leverages unused bandwidth from around the globe, significantly reducing costs compared to centralized conferencing platforms. This translates into savings for you and lowers the barriers to entry for your application’s users.

why choose Huddle01 SDK
Why choose Huddle01 SDK

2. Scalability

Huddle01’s DePIN is built for growth. As your user base expands, the decentralized network can automatically scale to accommodate increasing traffic and meeting demands. This ensures a smooth and reliable video conferencing experience for all users, regardless of the number of participants.

3. Ease of integration

The Huddle01 SDK is designed for developers. With clear documentation, sample code repositories, and readily available resources, integrating the SDK into your existing application is a breeze. This allows you to focus on building the core functionalities and user experience of your application without getting bogged down in complex video conferencing infrastructure.

Beyond these core benefits, Huddle01 offers additional advantages like customization options to perfectly match your application’s branding and user interface. The Huddle01 SDK is a compelling choice for developers seeking to build cost-effective, scalable, and secure real-time communication features into their applications.

Building with Huddle01 SDK: Tool & Product Ideas

Huddle01’s SDK isn’t just about replicating traditional video conferencing solutions. It unlocks a world of possibilities for building innovative tools and products that push the boundaries of real-time communication.

So why should developers be excited?

Centralized cloud platforms often come with limitations on features, pricing, and scalability. Huddle01’s DePIN architecture breaks free from these constraints, empowering developers to explore entirely new communication experiences.

The decentralized nature of Huddle01 opens doors for unique functionalities. Imagine peer-to-peer connections for enhanced privacy, ultra-low latency communication for real-time applications, or even integrating cryptocurrencies for microtransactions within communication experiences.

1. Live Streaming Marketplace with Microtransactions

Huddle01’s SDK, with its focus on real-time communication and decentralized infrastructure, opens doors for innovative applications beyond video conferencing. Here’s a detailed breakdown of a live-streaming marketplace with microtransactions built using the Huddle01 SDK.

The concept

  • Create a platform where content creators can host live streams using the Huddle01 SDK for high-quality audio/video transmission.
  • Integrate a microtransaction system allowing viewers to directly support creators during the live stream.
  • Leverage Huddle01’s DePIN for efficient and cost-effective video streaming, benefiting both creators and viewers.

Check out this project built on Huddle01 SDK that you can use as a reference:

Unique selling points

  • Direct content monetization: Empower creators to monetize their live streams directly through microtransactions from viewers. This offers an alternative to traditional revenue models like ads or sponsorships, giving creators more control and a fairer share of the profits.
  • Engaged audience interaction: The live stream format creates a more interactive experience than pre-recorded videos. Microtransactions can allow viewers to show appreciation, participate in polls or Q&A sessions, or unlock exclusive content during the stream.
  • Decentralized advantage: Huddle01’s DePIN architecture could offer cost-effective and efficient live streaming delivery compared to centralized platforms. This could benefit both creators (lower operational costs) and viewers (smoother streaming experience).

Technical implementation with Huddle01 SDK

  • Live streaming functionalities: The Huddle01 SDK’s real-time audio/video capabilities can facilitate live streaming sessions. Features like screen sharing and chat can further enhance the interactive experience.
  • Microtransaction integration: Integrate a secure microtransaction system within the live stream experience. This could involve partnering with existing payment providers or exploring cryptocurrency options for a decentralized approach.
  • User interface design: Design a user-friendly interface for both creators and viewers. Creators should have controls to manage the stream, viewer interactions, and microtransaction options. Viewers should have a clear way to see content, interact with the creator, and send microtransactions seamlessly.


The platform can take a small commission on each microtransaction, creating a revenue stream.

To further incentivize content creation and platform usage, offer creators premium features like subscription tiers, custom branding elements, or advanced analytics.

Target Audience

  • Creators of all kinds — gamers, musicians, educators, artists, and more — can leverage this platform to connect with their audience and generate income through live streams.
  • Viewers seeking a more interactive and engaging way to consume live content, with the ability to directly support creators they enjoy.

2. Educational Tool with Interactive Live Lectures

Here’s a detailed breakdown of an educational tool with interactive live lectures, built using the Huddle01 SDK.

The Concept

This platform would cater to educational institutions and educators by providing:

  • Live lecture functionality: Leverage Huddle01’s real-time communication features for live lectures with high-quality audio/video transmission.
  • Interactive features: Integrate functionalities beyond basic video calls to create a more engaging learning experience.
  • Accessibility & scalability: Huddle01’s DePIN architecture can offer a cost-effective and scalable solution for educational institutions of all sizes.

Unique selling points

  • Enhanced learning engagement: Live lectures with features like real-time Q&A, collaborative whiteboards, and breakout rooms for group discussions can increase student engagement and improve knowledge retention compared to traditional video lectures.
  • Improved accessibility: Remote students or those who can’t attend in-person classes can participate fully in live lectures, creating a more inclusive learning environment.
  • Scalability for institutions: Huddle01’s DePIN can offer institutions a cost-effective way to handle large-scale online lectures without worrying about server limitations often faced with centralized platforms.

Technical implementation with Huddle01 SDK:

  • Live Lecture Features: Use the core functionalities of the Huddle01 SDK for audio/video transmission during lectures.
  • Interactive Elements: Integrate features like real-time chat, collaborative whiteboard, and breakout rooms.
  • Recording & playback: Instructors can record lectures for students who miss live sessions or want to revisit specific topics.

Benefits for educators

  • Interactive features can make lectures more engaging and cater to different learning styles.
  • Real-time Q&A and discussions can create a more dynamic learning environment.
  • Reach remote students or offer flexible learning options for those with scheduling challenges.

Benefits for students

  • Active participation can lead to better understanding and knowledge retention.
  • Interactive features make lectures more stimulating and keep students focused.
  • Participate in live lectures remotely or revisit recorded sessions at their convenience.

3. Gamified Language Learning App with Video Chat Integration

Here’s a detailed breakdown of a gamified language learning app with video chat integration, built using the Huddle01 SDK.

The concept

This mobile app gamifies the language learning process by combining interactive elements with real-time video chat functionalities powered by Huddle01’s SDK.

Users can learn a new language through interactive exercises, challenges, and point systems. The Huddle01 SDK integrates seamless video chat functionalities, allowing users to practice conversation skills with native speakers or fellow learners.

Unique selling points

  • Engaging gamification: Gamified elements like points, badges, leaderboards, and level progression motivate users to learn consistently and track their progress.
  • Real-time conversation practice: Huddle01’s video chat integration allows users to connect with native speakers or peers for conversation practice, enabling the practical application of learned language skills.
  • Flexible learning options: The app caters to different learning styles by combining gamified exercises with real-time interaction.

Technical implementation with Huddle01 SDK

  • Gamification features: Develop interactive exercises, challenges, and a reward system using points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate users.
  • Video Chat integration: Integrate Huddle01’s SDK to enable seamless video chat functionalities within the app. Match users based on language proficiency and learning goals. Facilitate one-on-one conversations or small group sessions to practice speaking and listening skills.
  • Language learning content: Develop or integrate high-quality language learning content that caters to different learning styles and proficiency levels.

Benefits for users

  • Gamification elements make learning a new language fun and engaging, encouraging consistent practice.
  • Video chat with native speakers or peers provides a realistic platform to practice spoken language and gain fluency.
  • The app caters to different learning styles by combining interactive exercises with real-time interaction.


  • Offer a freemium model with limited features and video chat time in the free tier.
  • Provide premium subscriptions with extended video chat time, access to exclusive learning content, or advanced gamification features.

4. Dating App with Live Video Chat

The current dating app landscape can feel impersonal and overwhelming. Huddle01 can change that by offering a more secure and engaging experience through live video chat functionalities powered by Huddle01’s SDK.

The concept

The focus is on building genuine connections, so real-time video chat is incorporated right from the start. Users can browse profiles with basic information, initiate a live video chat directly with a potential match, and experience high-quality audio/video calls with enhanced security features.

Check out this project built on Huddle01 SDK that you can use as a reference:

Unique selling points

  • Focus on video chat: Skip the awkward text-based small talk and jump right into a live video chat to establish a more genuine connection from the beginning.
  • Security & privacy: Huddle01’s emphasis on privacy and decentralized data storage could offer users peace of mind regarding their information.
  • Enhanced user experience: Seeing and interacting with someone in real-time allows for better first impressions and a more engaging way to assess compatibility.

Technical implementation with Huddle01 SDK:

  • Matching algorithm: Develop a matching algorithm that considers user preferences and compatibility factors to suggest potential matches.
  • Live video chat integration: Integrate Huddle01’s SDK to enable seamless video chat functionality within the app.
  • Safety features: Implement safety features like in-call reporting, user verification, and the ability to block or report inappropriate behaviour.
  • Optional text chat: While the focus is on video chat, offer an optional text chat feature for pre-call communication or follow-up messages.

Benefits for users

  • Video chat allows for quicker evaluation of compatibility, leading to more meaningful connections.
  • Seeing someone in real time reduces the chances of encountering fake profiles.
  • Live video chat creates a more engaging and interactive way to get to know potential matches.


  • Offer basic features for free and introduce premium options like extended video call time, advanced matching filters, or profile boosts.
  • Allow users to send virtual gifts during video calls as a way to show appreciation and generate revenue.

5. Telehealth Platform with Secure Video Consultations

Huddle01’s SDK, with its emphasis on real-time communication and a secure, decentralized approach, presents a compelling opportunity for building innovative healthcare solutions. Here’s a detailed breakdown;

The concept

This platform would connect patients with healthcare providers for secure video consultations, streamlining access to medical care and improving healthcare delivery.

Patients can schedule appointments, manage medical records, and conduct video consultations with doctors or other healthcare professionals. Huddle01’s SDK ensures high-quality and secure video calls.

Unique selling points

  • Convenience and accessibility: Telehealth consultations offer patients greater flexibility and convenience compared to traditional in-person appointments, reducing wait times and travel needs.
  • Improved healthcare access: Patients in remote areas or with mobility limitations can connect with healthcare providers more easily.
  • Focus on security & privacy: Huddle01’s emphasis on security, with features like encryption and data residency options, can provide peace of mind for patients and healthcare professionals regarding sensitive medical information.

Technical implementation with Huddle01 SDK

  • Secure video conferencing: Integrate Huddle01’s SDK to enable secure video consultations with features like adherence to health regulations, encryption protocols to safeguard sensitive medical information, and a virtual waiting room for patients to join before their scheduled consultation.
  • Appointment scheduling & management: Develop functionalities for patients to schedule appointments, manage their medical records, and access appointment details within the platform.
  • Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR): Explore integrating with existing EHR systems to allow healthcare professionals to access relevant patient information seamlessly during consultations.

Benefits for patients

  • Convenience and flexibility: Schedule appointments and receive consultations from the comfort of their homes.
  • Improved access to care: Connect with healthcare professionals regardless of location.
  • Reduced costs: Telehealth consultations may offer a more cost-effective alternative to traditional in-person visits.

Benefits for healthcare providers

  • Increased efficiency: Conduct consultations remotely, streamlining workflow and managing patient volume more effectively.
  • Improved patient reach: Provide care to patients in remote locations or with mobility limitations.
  • Reduced overhead costs: Telehealth consultations may eliminate the need for additional office space or resources for in-person visits.


  • Subscription model for healthcare providers to access the platform and manage patient consultations.
  • A freemium model with limited features for patients, offering premium options for extended consultation time or additional functionalities.

These ideas tackle a specific gap within the real-time communication ecosystem. They all use Huddle01’s core functionalities and explore its decentralization and data privacy features.

Products built with Huddle01 technology have the potential to significantly impact how people communicate and collaborate online.

You can check out this showcase for popular apps and projects built with Huddle01 across the world.

Key Takeaway

Huddle01 empowers you to build the next generation of real-time communication applications. It’s not just about replicating existing tools; it’s about pushing boundaries and crafting solutions that are secure, scalable, and — most importantly — engaging.

Huddle01’s decentralized approach to real-time communication brings two major benefits:

  • Cost-effectiveness: By tapping into unused bandwidth around the world, Huddle01 cuts out the middleman (centralized cloud servers) and slashes costs. This leads to significant savings compared to traditional video conferencing solutions offered by cloud giants.
  • Global reach: Huddle01’s DePIN isn’t limited by geographical constraints. A distributed network ensures smooth connections for users anywhere on the globe, regardless of their location. This is a game-changer for geographically dispersed teams and individuals.

This decentralized, people-powered network will deploy and coordinate unused bandwidth resources from across the globe to enable seamless digital connectivity between users while saving up to 95% on server costs compared to giants like AWS.



Titilola Shittu

Product Marketer. Passionate about storytelling. Enjoys blending creativity with strategy. Ardent reader of African literature.