How AI Chatbots Are Reshaping Customer Experience

Titilola Shittu
9 min readMar 13, 2024


Long gone are the days of endless hold times with customer service representatives.

AI-powered chatbots are emerging to ease the way businesses interact with their customers. These intelligent assistants offer immediate 24/7 support, personalized solutions, and a streamlined experience.

But how exactly do chatbots reshape customer experience?

This article shares what customer experience entails and how artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots help make a difference.

Let’s get started.

What Is Customer Experience?

How AI chatbots are reshaping customer experience

Customer experience (CX) is a customer's impression of using a product/service. It could be overall impressions at different touchpoints of interacting with a product.

A positive customer experience of a tech product is mostly generated from seamless integrations, reliable security, personalized recommendations, responsive customer support, and an intuitive user interface. The aim is to exceed customer satisfaction and breed loyalty.

Investing in a good customer experience enables you to continuously utilise feedback to improve products that meet the customer’s preferences.

These impressions can be obtained through indirect or direct contact.

Top 3 Main Components of Customer Experience

  1. Interaction

Here, every touchpoint a customer has had with a product matters. It could be phone calls, websites, or social media. These interactions determine the customer’s perception of the product.

You need to consider your customer journey map. Every touchpoint must be optimized to satisfy customer needs.

2. Emotion

This plays a crucial role in how your customers feel about your product. Emotions can be gauged in real time, to provide you with the insights to improve constantly.

Measuring emotion requires customer feedback and monitoring behaviours. Positive emotions such as trust and satisfaction lead to a better experience. Negative emotions such as confusion or disappointment can result in churn.

3. Expectation

How you treat your customers influences their buying decisions. Every customer has an expectation when interacting with a product. Meeting these expectations can help boost loyalty and deliver a satisfactory customer experience.

How To Improve Customer Experience

  • Personalization

People love it when they feel seen and heard. Personalization is a great way to make your customers feel this way. Customer data gathered from various touchpoints such as feedback surveys, and website interaction, can do a lot of good.

Divide your customer base into segments based on these touchpoints, and ensure you provide relevant value to these segments. Personalize communication with these segments, tailor content to address their pain points and offer special offers based on their preferences.

  • Omnichannel strategy

Your website, mobile app and social media platforms must all be consistent. People trust products that have a unified brand. An omnichannel strategy allows customers to switch channels easily without affecting their experience. A customer should be able to start a transaction on a mobile app and complete it on the website.

  • Customer support

Customers have needs, and these can be resolved through proactive support. Seeking feedback regularly and acting on it shows you care about your customers. Proactive customer support can be comprehensive FAQs, outreach through automated notifications or follow-up emails. Multiple support channels such as phone, email, live chat, and self-service, ease accessibility to the customer support team.

  • User experience

User experience (UX) is a crucial role in building a positive customer experience. A user-friendly product with seamless interactions creates an enjoyable journey for your customers.

Ensure your product is easy to navigate and understand. Unnecessary steps and obstacles make customers lose interest. User experience isn’t only about visual design, but creating a customer journey that builds positive emotional connection.

  • Employee training

Train your support team with communication, empathy and problem-solving skills. A happy and engaged team are more likely to provide positive experiences to customers.

Types of Chatbots

Chatbots are conversational tools designed to ease interaction with humans via text or voice-based interfaces. There are two main types of chatbots. They range from simple rule-based systems that follow predefined scripts to more sophisticated AI (artificial intelligence) bots that use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to respond to customer inquiries in a human-like manner.

Rule-Based Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots

Rule-based chatbots are based on predefined scripts. They are relatively simple and limited. Responses from rule-based chatbots are detected from a user’s input and fetched within its database. A typical use of these bots is in FAQs, basic customer support and guiding users through a predefined process.

An Ohio-based clothing brand, ILTHY, uses a rule-based chatbot to grow its customer base. The chatbot works from a predefined conversation flow. Direct messages are one of the top ways customers contact business owners, so they added a no-code bot to their Instagram store to send instant replies to customers 24/7.

Unlike rule-based chatbots that use predefined scripts, AI chatbots use machine learning and natural language processing to respond to inquiries. They process vast amounts of data, including previous conversations and user interactions, to improve their understanding of language and context.

Key differences between rule-based and AI chatbot

AI chatbots

These are the next-generation chatbots, using the power of machine learning (ML) to evolve and adapt. They process vast amounts of data, including previous conversations and user interactions, to improve their understanding of language and context.

ML bots can handle open-ended questions, personalize responses based on user preferences, and even learn from each interaction. Imagine chatbots providing customer support, adjusting their tone and style depending on the issue or user sentiment.

Sephora’s Beauty Assistant Chatbot leverages ML to answer personalized makeup and skincare questions. It analyzes past interactions and user profiles to recommend products tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Today’s chatbots are different from their scripted predecessors. While rule-based chatbots still handle basic tasks like FAQs, the rise of AI welcomes a new era of chatbots with impressive capabilities.

  1. Machine learning (ML) empowers chatbots to learn from interactions, improve an understanding of language, and personalize responses. They can now answer complex questions, adapt to different conversation styles, and recommend products or services.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables chatbots to process and understand human language nuances, including sentiment and intent. This allows for more natural and engaging conversations, mimicking human interactions more effectively.
  3. Voice recognition adds a layer of convenience, allowing customers to interact with chatbots hands-free through voice commands. This technology is particularly beneficial in industries like healthcare and automotive, where hands-on tasks are frequent.

How do AI chatbots work

Now that you understand the types of chatbots, let’s go through how AI chatbots work. The interaction flow involves;

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The conversation begins with you, the user, initiating a chat. You might type a message or ask a question. The chatbot utilizes NLP, a subfield of AI, to analyze this input. Here’s a breakdown of the NLP process:

  • It identifies the core meaning behind your message. Are you asking a question, placing an order, or requesting support?
  • NLP detects and classifies specific entities within your message. This could be product names, locations, or dates.
  • In some cases, the chatbot might analyze the emotional tone of your message to tailor its response accordingly.

2. Dialog management

Once the chatbot understands your intent and the context of your message, it enters the dialog management stage. Here, the chatbot consults its knowledge base, a vast database containing predefined conversation flows for various user intents.

3. User engagement

The chatbot delivers the chosen response through text or voice. But AI chatbots go beyond simple responses. It can incorporate user information or past conversation history to personalize responses and maintain a conversational flow.

An illustration of how a clothing store chatbot works

AI chatbots for customer service

Determining the “best” AI chatbot for customer service depends on specific needs and priorities. However, several strong contenders consistently rank highly based on various factors, such as:

1. Functionality and features

  • How accurately can the chatbot understand your user’s intent and extract relevant information from their messages?
  • Does the chatbot offer a smooth and natural conversation flow, guiding users towards a resolution?
  • Can the chatbot craft human-like responses that are informative, engaging, and tailored to your user’s needs?
  • Does the chatbot integrate seamlessly with your existing customer service systems and platforms?

2. Ease of use

  • How easy is it to set up and train the chatbot to fit your specific needs?
  • Can you customize the chatbot’s appearance, conversation flow, and responses to match your brand identity and customer preferences?
  • Can the chatbot handle increasing customer volumes without sacrificing quality or performance?

3. Pricing and support

  • Does the pricing model align with your budget and business size?
  • Does it offer reliable and responsive customer support to address any issues you encounter?

How AI chatbots can improve customer experience

Chatbots can significantly enhance customer experience by offering several key benefits:

  1. Increased accessibility

Unlike human representatives, chatbots are available 24/7, allowing customers to get answers and resolve issues anytime, regardless of time zone or business hours.

Chatbots can handle many inquiries simultaneously, minimizing wait times and providing faster resolution to customer queries.

2. Improved efficiency

Chatbots can efficiently address frequently asked questions (FAQs) and handle routine tasks like order tracking, appointment scheduling, or product recommendations, freeing human agents for more complex issues.

Customers can find information and resolve basic issues independently, fostering a sense of control and improving their overall experience.

3. Personalized interactions

Advanced chatbots can personalize responses based on user data or purchase history, creating a more relevant and engaging experience.

Chatbots can understand natural language, allowing for more natural and conversational interactions compared to traditional menu-driven systems.

4. Streamlined workflows

Chatbots can guide users through pre-defined workflows, streamlining processes like lead generation, collecting customer feedback, or directing users to appropriate resources.

5. Reduced cost

Chatbots can help businesses save on customer service costs, by handling routine tasks and reducing wait times.

It assists with product recommendations and upselling, potentially leading to higher sales and conversions.

Chatbots Applications

These advancements in chatbots have led to diverse applications across industries:

  • Retail: Chatbots help customers browse products, answer questions, and even personalize recommendations based on purchase history. Sephora’s chatbot allows customers to virtually try on makeup shades, while H&M’s helps find specific items and styles.
  • Banking: Chatbots provide 24/7 support for account inquiries, balance checks, and money transfers. United Bank of Africa’s Leo can answer questions, transfer funds and airtime top-up and pay bills
  • Travel: Chatbots assist with booking flights, hotels, and activities, answer travel-related questions, and even provide real-time updates on flights and itineraries. KLM’s Blue Bot helps travellers navigate airports and manage boarding passes, while Marriott’s Chatbot allows guests to request amenities and access hotel information.
  • Healthcare: Chatbots offer preliminary health information, schedule appointments, answer basic medical questions, and monitor chronic conditions. Flo Health Assistant offers users personalized feedback and information on their health.

Challenges of Using Chatbots

Challenges with AI chatbots

While AI is making strides, empathy remains a unique human trait. Chatbots need to help understand emotional nuances, leaving customers frustrated or unheard. This poses a challenge in situations requiring compassion or emotional intelligence.

Chatbots collect user data to personalize interactions. Balancing personalization with data privacy concerns is crucial. Businesses need transparent data practices and robust security measures to gain and maintain customer trust.

Complex issues or technical problems still require human expertise. Chatbots may struggle to navigate intricate situations, potentially leading to misinterpretations or delays in resolution. Finding the right balance between chatbot capabilities and human intervention is key.

Job displacement due to automation is a valid concern. As chatbots handle specific tasks, it’s important to upskill the human workforce and create a collaborative environment where technology complements, not replaces human interaction.

Chatbots can leverage the potential of these challenges and become valuable tools for creating a seamless and satisfying customer experience. The future lies in a collaborative approach where humans and AI work together to elevate customer experience.

The Future of AI Chatbots

The journey of AI chatbots is far from over, with exciting innovations. An instance is chatbots that remember your name, preferences, purchase history, and even emotional state. AI advancements in sentiment analysis and context understanding will enable chatbots to tailor responses further, creating a truly personal experience.

Seamless interactions across platforms will be the norm. We can expect chatbots to seamlessly transition between websites, messaging apps, and even voice assistants, offering a consistent and convenient experience regardless of touchpoint.

Human expertise will remain irreplaceable for complex problems, emotional situations, or personalized advice. Customer support teams will leverage chatbots for information retrieval and data analysis, focusing on building connections and providing human-touch solutions. AI chatbots present a bright, promising, more streamlined, personalized, and efficient customer experience.


Looking ahead, chatbots can evolve into hyper-personalized, omnichannel companions. Multimodal conversations and integration with other AI technology will further amplify their capabilities. However, the future lies in collaboration, where chatbots handle routine tasks and empower human agents to focus on complex issues and build personal connections.

The potential benefits of AI chatbots are great— increased efficiency, enhanced customer satisfaction, and cost savings. Yet, the true measure of success lies in striking a balance between technological advancement and human empathy. The use of AI responsibly can create a future where customer experience becomes not just efficient, but also truly delightful!



Titilola Shittu

Product Marketer. Passionate about storytelling. Enjoys blending creativity with strategy. Ardent reader of African literature.